A couple of bowls unglazed to see what's what. Slip was about 5-10% yellow ochre added to the same claybody. It was left over from matching a medieval limewash in my previous incarnation. Interestingly (and vaguely revoltingly), it came out purple! Manganese perhaps? It's fun using natural earths!

Three horrid jugs. I think the glaze was gibson's clear over the same ochre slip.

The very first things I made, I think. (I went all wabi-sabi due to lack of any skill whatsoever.) I was going to smash them, but Kate persuaded me to use them as tests for painting with oxides. I quite like them - nice for espresso.
Virgin firing: everyone goes through it once, and forgive me, but I couldn't help but be excited.
Hi, thanks for the comments on my blog. Just been reading yours.
ReplyDeleteI like your jug with the tree on it, that'll be interesting to see how it comes out. You of course have to be excited about your first firing, it's hugely important and any potter would understand why you are excited. Trying to explain why I was boucing around with excitment after I fred my dodgy wee bottle kiln the other week only made sense to potters, anyone else thought I was insane wondering why I could be so excited over bubbly blackened pots!
As for Alan Gaff, he was a lovely man, I didn't know him well enough as I realised too late. In soe ways it feels like forever ago since he was here and in others I still think I can pick up the phone or drop him an email.
Good luck with your new potting life. Shame you can't make it to Taena, I think they are taking visitors who just want to pop in and have a look, not sure if there is a charge for that or not. Maybe meet you somewhere else. It's Earth and Fire the following weekend in Nottinghamshire.
Best wishes,
neat stuff.. I'm taking ceramic sculpture. My college kiln is always full and there is barely room to put stuff on the shelves to be kilned and things are getting broken.